What Have You Been Energized By?

What gives you energy? What are you hoping for? When do you feel most successful?

This Self-Care Wednesday was about building resilience skills. Answering these three questions can be self-care. Knowing the answers to these questions helps you build resilience, because in reflecting, you’ll learn more about how to take care of yourself in difficult situations.

Breathe in “Oh well,” and exhale “So what?”

Always take a moment to celebrate the obstacles you’ve overcome, the silent battles you’ve fought, of hard decisions you’ve had to make. Celebrate strength and resilience. Take care of yourself.

Maybe exercise gives you energy!

Exercise Tuesday’s Tip helps you when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s easy to shake like a tree to rid yourself of what you do not need! Just evenly distribute your weight to both legs and shake it out! Give it your best Elvis moves.

Did you know Total Coverage offers an on-demand class for women over 50 who want to improve their wellbeing through an exercise program designed with them in mind? It’s called Balance for Boomers. Read more about the program here.