Resilience & Skills

Did you know that heavy stress can reduce your lifespan more than 2 years?

Resilience is defined as the ability to recover from life challenges.

Resilience means being able to work through emotional pain and suffering.

Research shows that highly resilient people have 3 common traits, features relating to character:

  • Acceptance

  • Purpose

  • Flexibility

Resilience is an important trait to build.

  • It protects you from burnout, anxiety, depression, and improves your mental health.

  • Resilience develops healthy coping skills.

  • It improves positive emotions!

  • Did you know that resilience promotes cardiovascular health?

  • And it helps us cope with stress!

Resilient people are aware of situations, their own emotional reactions, and the behavior of people around them.

How do we become more resilient?

Develop the skills that can strengthen the three common resilience traits: acceptance, purpose, and flexibility.

A skill is something you have the ability to do well, something you have expertise in. To build skills, practice. Cultivate opportunities for personal growth!

Develop interests outside of what you normally do:

  • Make time for quiet reflection

  • Meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates

  • Spending time in nature

  • Practicing gratitude

  • Journaling

Take it one step at a time — choose one and practice!

Resilience is not just for
surviving the worst day
of your life.
It’s for thriving every
day of your life.